"Easy As 1, 2, 3!" -1) Click! -2) Customize! -3) Cash-In!
“Attention Success Minded Professionals Who Want More & Better Money Making Marketing RESULTS But With ZERO Hassles Or Special Skills!"
"Quickly & Easily LOOK Like The Professional You ARE
. . . and $ave Time & Money AND Improve Your Professional Marketing & Promotional Image FAST!"
"AutoMagically Access To Over 20 MILLION Video, Graphic, Marketing Resources, Templates, Images, Vector Art, Icons, Logos, Generators, 3D eCover Creators and So Much More!" (and THAT is Just ONE Bonus!)
Super Simple, Killer Marketing Made EASY! Click! Customise & Cash In! EZ-PZ!
Come Closer… I’m going to tell you something a little bit scary!- Here is a Secret 'Law Of Success' that your competitors don’t want you to know about: (or more likely don’t even know themselves…YIKES!) You see, In the world of Proven, Powerful, Profit Producing Persuasion, (by The Numbers… Over 77%!) MOST of all people are strong “VISUAL” buyers…
In simple marketing terms; MOST filter life and are influenced through their EYES… SO A STRONG VISUAL IMPACT AND FIRST IMPRESSION IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE If You WANT To Win The Influence and ACTION of Your Buyers!
...YET it is the single most overlooked portion of our overall influence and marketing process… NO LONGER! “Powerful, Personal Marketing & Branding” (Highly Visual & Congruent) is one of the most important factors in our overall and long-lasting success!
“Whoever Is The Most Clear, Congruent, Persuasive & Powerful WINS!”
Like it or not, WE GET JUDGED all the time! - - We’ve heard it said that “We Only Have One Chance To Make A Good First Impression!” and when it comes to the current market and big money business, and visual marketing this is sooooooooooo true!
NOW You Can Create A Widely Successful First Impression! EZ-PZ!
SIMPLE, POWERFUL, Easy To Use, "Professionally Built, Stunning TEMPLATES" That Can Be Easily Customized And Used For "ANY BUSINESS, INDUSTRY or PROJECT!"
Real Estate - Speaker One-Pages - Financial Planners - Performers/Presenters - Community & Non-Profit
Legal Profession - Event Professionals - Authors/Experts - Service Experts of ALL Types... and MORE!
Reports… Website Art… Brochures… BUSINESS Cards… Book & eBook Covers... Coupons... Posters... Line Sheets...
Online & Offline Videos… Certificates... LIVE Event Marketing… and ALL of your congruent powerful marketing, brand and image!
It has never been more SIMPLE with theses ‘Super EZ’ and yet ‘Ever-So Powerful, Professional Money Making Marketing Graphic, Templates, Backgrounds, Bullets, Buttons for ALL of your “Money Making Marketing First IMPRESSIONS!”
YEP, you figured it out… we are NOT ‘just talking about some cool collection of images’, but rather a killer library of congruent marketing & branding weapons to make you money that YOU must use to generate massive value in all of your online and offline marketing!
I know what you must-be saying right now… “But, It Is EXPENSIVE To Hire A Professional Graphic
Artist Every Time I Need To Make A Powerful Marketing IMPRESSION That Rocks!”
It's ALL Done For YOU ! - - As we’ve already said; “Powerful, Personal, PROFITABLE Marketing & Branding” (Congruencey… Remember?) is one of the most important factors in our overall Success and THESE Killer, Professionally Produced Document Graphic Templates, Tools will help YOU look your best and add to your money making bottom line!
This Exclusive Member’s ONLY Library of Click-Butt Graphic Branding, Marketing & Promotional Tools will help you and your Massive & Congruent Influence and Persuasion Process that you apply to ALL of your Massive Marketing RESULTS!
Introducing... "The Amazing 'CLICK-BUTT' Money Making Marketing Magic MEGA Graphic, Promotional Print Persuasion & Media Success System" Membership!
- Top Secret Monster Rolodex With Access To Over 20 MILLION Royalty Free Images, Logos, Vector Art, Icons, Clip-Art, Tools, Resources Custom Image Generators... and So Much MORE!
- Exclusive Users Manual With Royalty Free Copy and Best Practice Uses For Your "Click-Butt Marketing Magic" Success System Membership!
- Private, Privileged, Closed-Door, Members ONLY Community Access of Like-Minded Professionals, as well as Even MORE BONUSES, Gifts, Assets, Information, Downloads, Support and Sooooooo Much More!
- Killer Trainings, Insights, Experience and 100% Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing RESULTS! No Untested Theory or Dangerous Guesswork!
- SUPER-SIMPLE Templates You CAN Click, Customize and Use Instantly!
- Zero Fancy or Expensive Training, Experience or Software Required!
- MAKES YOU Look Like An EXPERT With No Expertise Required!
- Stunning, Professional Designs ALL DONE FOR YOU! Just Click & Customize For Your Individual Needs & Outcomes! - Easy-Peasy!
- Frees YOU Up To Focus On Your Most Profit-Producing, Result-Getting Activities With-Out Having To Sacrifice On Image, Impact & Quality!
- LOADS of Resources, Support, Training, Examples, & Cool BONUSES!
- Turn-Key, Hassle-Free Professional Graphic & Marketing RESULTS!
Brand New LINKS, Resources & Updates Added In Your Private Closed-Door Members Area!
Access To LOTS More Amazing Designs, Flyers, Logos, Images, Post-Cards, Clip-Art, Business Cards, eCovers and MORE!
...even MORE Updates, Bonuses and Additions! (With MORE Yet To Come!)

“MASSIVE ‘Hollywood In A Box', Media Resource Library & Tool Kit!”
VIDEO is KING! (...And Queen... and The Entire Royal Court!)
Profit & Persuasion Power or New Media (Audio & VIDEO) online being so prevalent this is all the more true with our online video and audio production… AND IT’S Super EZ to Go Pro! (NOW it is anyway!)
Finally, a Mind-Blowing, Massive Media Production Suite of tools, loops, FX and killer professional resources to make your media production a breeze! – Click and drag into place and your good as gold with thousands of dollars in proven resources at your fingertips, creating powerful video and audio media is a snap! – AND Profitable!

"Click Butt Marketing, MEDIA Magic" BONUS & Updates... $997.00 Value!
"Even MORE Money Making 'MULTI-MEDIA' Marketing Magic INCLUDED!"
Multi-Media Video FX Intros, Outros, Transitions & Calls To Action That You Can Use To Improve Your Impact & Income!
MORE Multi-Media, Video, PowerPoint Templates, Graphics & InfoGraphics Being Added All The Time!
Welcome To “CLICK-BUTT” Marketing Magic Killer Graphic and Promotional Success Template System! - It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
LOADS of killer templates, tools, resources and assets to get your marketing rocking with results with virtually zero advanced knowledge or experience with graphics or desktop publishing software and systems! If you can open and simply edit a WORD Processing Document, YOU CAN HAVE KILLER MARKETING, MEDIA & PROMOTIONS THAT ROCK WITH RESULTS!
THE Original, Super Simple, No-Tech, “Click-Butt” Success Solution For Your Marketing & Promotional Outreach For Digital & Print Persuasion! - NOW Creating Professional, Powerful Print Promotions and Marketing Is As Easy As A Mouse Click Away… and With NO Photoshop Or Advanced Graphic Application or Skill Required!
Simply Open A Basic Word Processing or Presentation Program and Now You Have Stunning “Marketing Magic” That Kicks Butt!
“REAL Money Making Marketing MAGIC For Your Media & Print Persuasion and Promotion Marketing Needs!”
WOW… Finally, For The First Time Ever For Business, Entrepreneurs and Enterprise There is An Amazing M.A.G.I.C. Marketing and Pro-Motion Success Weapon and Result Getting Tool That Allows Anyone To Create Custom “CLICK-BUTT” Online & Offline Flyers, Hand-Outs, Line Sheets, Sales Pieces, Posters and More all At The Click Of A Mouse Button With ZERO Real Graphics or Desktop Publishing Skills or Advanced Learning Required!
Use Your "Amazing 'CLICK-BUTT' Money Making Marketing Magic MEGA Graphic, Promotional, Media & Print Persuasion Success System" Membership Templates & Resources To Create Super-Simple and yet VERY Powerful and Professional Marketing Online & Offline Promotional Materials That ROCK With RESULTS!

If You Can Use a Super Basic "Word Processing Program",YOU CAN HAVE ASTOUNDING

Professional Marketing Is NOW Within Reach With Proven, Profitable, Professional (Yet Simple) Templates That You Can Simply Click and Edit! Quickly and Easily YOU Can Have Amazing Promotion and Tools For Your Business So YOU Can FOCUS On What YOU Do Best Run Your Business!
- It’s EASY!
- It's PROVEN!
PERFECT For Your All 'Your' Marketing Projects!
Online & Offline Flyers, Announcements, Line Sheets, Sales Pages, Event Posters,
Book & Report Covers, Business Handouts and MORE!
From product launch announcements to event marketing, Dean Hankey over-delivers again and again.
Kevin Kern / Business Success Unplugged

GET Your "Click-Butt, Money Making Marketing MAGIC" Success System! Grow Your Business Without Breaking The Bank! - Check It Out Now!"
Errin Hogan / Creative Director ~ WoW! Media

When I heard Dean Hankey put out some new material I had to buy it. - You see, when you know the person who is behind this system, you know it is something good that will bring you lots of valuable material.
That's Dean Hankey. - -You miss it, you really miss out!
Matias Letelier / International Entertainer & Engagement Expert

You would have to be a FOOL to not instantly DOWNLOAD!
Massive value for so little it makes you question WHY? What's the catch? Is there something hidden in fine print?
Knowing Dean for three decades plus --I KNOW from EXPERIENCE he over-delivers on every promise made -- he's NEVER let me down.
"Click Butt" is a tiny investment in building The Brand Called YOU!
Joel Bauer / The Mentor's Mentor / Author, Speaker, Expert

Joe Libby
International Speaker / Entertainer
This is an amazing collection of tools and templates you can use to release your inner graphic designer.
Use these on business cards, websites, e-book covers ... you are limited only by your imagination. And you will get awesome service and support from Deano! - Highly recommended!
If you are on the fence about getting this package, I can tell you that these tools are AWESOME ! ...And you can let your imagination run free on ways to utilize them.
I'd strongly recommend you get this now before Dean comes to his senses and raises the price!

Carl Lang
Author / Speaker / Trainer
Talk about not having to rediscover America, that's what your "Click-Butt Marketing Magic" System has done for me. - It's allowed me to set up professional marketing programs, right out of the box!
I didn't have to go through a bunch of trial and error experiences that wasted a lot of time when I could be making money with proven systems that work.
I've used the sales pages, book covers, flyers and more, with just the click of a button. All I had to do was make the changes that fit my specific needs... And you showed me how to do it.
Thank you for letting me "piggy-back" off of your experiences, marketing expertise and graphics know-how.
Is worth every penny and more! And you don't stop there. We're updated with resources on a continual basis. - You always over deliver! - - A Great, Great, Program!

WAIT! Before You Rock YOUR-Own Success... Let Me Be UBER CLEAR!
What 'Click Butt' Marketing Magic IS...
- Stunning Professional TEMPLATES That You Can Use Instantly!
- EASY To Use & Edit In 100% EASY Programs Like 'WORD' & Others.
- A MASSIVE Collection of Bonuses, Tools & Additional Resources!
- On-GROWING Member Updates, Training & Support For SUCCESS!
- Focus On Freedom... Fast & Easy No-Tech Marketing That WORKS!
What 'Click Butt' Marketing Magic Is-NOT...
- NO New Weird, Complicated Programs! - Nothing More To Learn!
- Zero Proprietary, Special, Expensive or Hard To Use Software!
- No Fly-By-Night, Hit-And-Run Product Download Without Support!
- Tired, Outdated, Inexperienced 'Theory' About What WORKS!
- No More Being Held Hostage By Expensive Designers or Programs!

Ryan Pilling
Graphic Designer / Web Development Specialist
I've been a graphic designer for over ten years. ~ Many design projects take weeks or months to complete, racking up hundreds or even thousands of dollars in design fees.
With Click Butt Dean has cracked the process wide open, showing you how to be a master of your own graphic domain, able to conjure up eye-catching promotions in one afternoon and save hundreds of dollars in design fees.
I could be upset, but I'm too busy making use of Dean's toolkit to save time and money on my own projects!

Darius Kirk Allaire
Business Consultant / Gratis Marketing Inc
Dean stands out in the business crowd, and not because of his fancy colored shirts... Rather, His Marketing Material Produces RESULTS!
The tools in "Click Butt" are very useful for a ton of different applications.
Dean, you are an Alchemist!

BUT WAIT... There's MORE!
How About Over a Thousand Dollars in KILLER Bonuses... 100% FREE!
- Massive Graphics Department In A Box!

600+ MB of Killer Graphics For Your Business!
- My Exclusive "Print Persuasion" Training! -

Marketing That CONVERTS Like Crazy!
- BONUS "LOGO Library!"

Closed-Door MEMBERS Only Community!

EXCLUSIVE Access & Member Support!
Monster Rolodex! Access to 20 Million Images!

100% FREE Images, Art, Tools & Resources!
Training, Tutorials & Tips!

ABC, 1,2,3, Step By Step Of HOW It All Works!
* Extra-Special BONUS "Business In-A Box!" - With Your Exclusive 'Click-Butt' Membership, You Get The "Developers Rights" (Which is Normally EXTRA! -- ALLOT Extra!) Allowing YOU To Keep 100% of The PROFITS You Generate From Using Theses Click-Butt Marketing Magic Tools and Templates To Create and Build Marketing, Graphics, Promotions Collateral For Your Business Relationships and Projects 'As-A-Service'! (Of Course You May NOT Sell or ReSell The Click-Butt Templates or Source Files Themselves, But YOU CAN Create FINISHED Projects For Others [As An UN-Editable, FINISHED Format] 'using' the Click-Butt Templates and Tools!) ONE CLIENT Project and You've MORE Than Paid-For Your Entire Investment!
That's Real MONEY In YOUR Pocket! - - WOW! THIS IS A BIG-DAWG-DEAL! (Look Ma', No Slimy Upsell!)
$997.00 Exclusive Proven, Profit-Producing Member Success Solution!
One-Time! LIFETIME Access & Updates!
I am Delighted & Excited For Your Amazing Success! This Click-Butt Marketing Magic Success & Print Persuasion Success System Has Been PROVEN To Work and Rock With Results!
I Can't WAIT For You To Get Started and Have You As An Another Outstanding Success Story and On-Growing Member In The Dean's List & Click-Butt Money Making Marketing Magic Result-Getting Family!
Get Ready To ROCK With Real RESULTS and The Ever-Growing List of Value, Impact & Profits You Will Enjoy With Your High Impact, Low Cost Marketing & Profit-Producing Outcomes For Yourself & Others You Aim To Serve!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but YES, All Of These Templates CAN be Used For YOUR Specific Market, Niche and Business! - They Are Customizable "TEMPLATES", Designed To Be USED For YOU and Your Specific Needs! - Simply Click and Replace YOUR Pictures, YOUR Images, YOUR Copy, YOUR Unique Content and it's 100% PERFECT For YOUR Business, Market, Audience, Niech... WHATEVER IT MAY BE! - THAT is The POINT of The "Click-Butt Marketing Magic" System! Killer TOTALLY CUSTOMISED Marketing That ROCKS With a Few Clicks! We Did The Hard Work So YOU Don't Have To!
Disc Jockey's - Lawyers - Day-Cares - Automotive - Marketing - Show Business - Live Events - Service Professionals - Schools - Performers - Civic & Social Groups - Family - Real Estate - Beauty Industry - Plumbing - Consulting - Mortgage - Faith Based Group & Organizations - Home Business - Repair - Kids Entertainers - HealthCare - Author's - Hobbyists - Restaurants - Speakers - Non-Profits - Events... Heck, Just For FUN! - - ANY Industry, Market, Niech, People Group, Organization, Event, Cause and Marketing Effort You Can Imagine CAN and Should Make Use of Theses Tools & Template To Create The Perfect Marketing RESULT Quickly & Professionally!!
REMEMBER: ALL These BONUS Graphic & Multi-Mediea Elements, Tools, Resources are Massive and On-Growing In Your PRIVATE Members Area Are Just THAT... Killer "BONUSES" That You Can Use In 'ADDITION' To Your "Click Butt Money Making Marketing MAGIC Media Persuasion Success System" To Grow Your Business Bottom Line Without Breaking The Bank! - Whoo Hoo! - - You ARE Welcome!