Dean Hankey’s EXCLUSIVE “Free And Easy MONEY”!

WELCOME  To Your "Free & Easy $UCCESS!"

"Make The Massive Money You Want On Demand, Almost Any Time You Want ...All While Helping Others Get More Of What THEY Want, Need, Desire & Deserve!"

[standout fx=”highlighter”] ATTENTION “Expert Passion Professionals!” – Speakers, Trainers, Authors, and Performers… [/standout]

Grow Your Business Bottom Line... Like MAGIC!
Get More Gigs! Make More Money! Serve More People!

After More Than 75 Years Combined Real-World Experience and well over 30,000 Real Live Paid Success Solutions, Claude & Dean Will Finally Reveal Their Most Closely Held Success SECRETS & METHODS For Auto-Magically Making Money Appear Out Of This Air... Doing What You LOVE!

The Awesome Part is... it is Super-Easy, Super-Profitable
AND Your
Buyers Will LOVE YOU  & BEG You For MORE!
...NO KIDDING!! - Read That Again!

You are HERE 'Because' You Know Us at least at some level: Dean Hankey & Claude Haggerty, have dedicated their lives and careers to helping people get more of what they want, need, desire and ultimately deserve and now, for the first time in our lives as a Serial Entrepreneurs, Casino Showroom and Touring Illusion Show Producers, Performer as well as International Business Speaker, Trainer, Author & Mentors we are about to totally reveal our VERY PERSONAL Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing Inner systems, strategies and Secret Workings of our most prized and cherished unheard of methods and exacting processes we use in our very own success business to auto-magically make money on-demand over the last 35 & 40 years respectively AND right now, to this very day!

Yessir... That's RIGHT, Our ENTIRE Life's Result-Getting Work...
Our Heart & My Hard Drives...​ Nothing Will Be Held Back!

Single-Handedly, Our Most Coveted Money Making Marketing Magic Blueprint For Success Secrets, Systems, Strategies... The Exacting ABC, 123, including Every Single Step-By-Step, Move-By-Move detail you will need to make all the money you want, need, desire and deserve on demand AND all by Doing What You LOVE! (ALL While Inspiring Others and Helping People To Get More Of What They Want & Need Most!)

The Good News/Bad NewsThis is NOT For Everyone!​

=> ​GOOD NEWS because ONLY the RIGHT Group Of Motivated, Dedicated Professionals Will Be On Board!
=> BAD NEWS because if you are not ready for this level of success you will not make it into the program... Sorry.

Listen; WE have NEVER Fully Revealed Every Detail Before! Only Small Sections and 'Parts-of-which' where ever shared with only a very select individuals of our most High Level Insider Access, Closed-Door Member Trainings & Coaching Organizations with those students paying a rock-bottom minimum of $1,000.00 TO Well Over $24,000 (And Super Delighted With the Results!) ...and that was only for only 'parts' of what you will have FULL ACCESS To in this EXCLUSIVE, Application Only 12 Week (Minimum!) Closed Door, Top Secret, Immersion Training Process! (NOT Even To Our BETA Members!)

Introducing... "FREE And EASY, No Risk MONEY System! The Quick-Start, Kick-Start, Cash Creation
System That Rocks With RESULTS!​"

"Discover The Inside, Million-Dollar-Money-Making, Marketing Magic Secrets O​f 'Show Business To GROW Business' For Sold-Out SUCCESS and Rock-Star RESULTS For YOU and Your Business!"

  • You'll Learn Our "Barely/Never Hear NO" Irresistible Offer That Has Buyers Begging YOU To Work With Them! Imagine Excited Buyers CHASING  and Begging YOU to 'Allow Them To Throw Money At You?"! - It really IS that simple!
  • Discover What People REALLY WANT! ... and for most, it is NOT what You Think It Is! Too Many Marketers MISS This By A Mile! - THIS is You White-Hot KEYS To The Kingdom! Once You TRULY Understand What People Want... Then you KNOW How To Just Serve It Up It To Them On A Silver Platter! 
  • Have Red-Hot Buyers Not Only FALL IN LOVE With You, But Get You Massive RESPECT and Personal Recommendations & Referrals To Their Inner Circle Of Trusted Associates and Relationships... This is H-U-G-E Because It Virtually Eradicates The Need For Pain In The Ass Marketing Campaigns That Cost You Massive Time & Money!
  • Learn My Exclusive, Super-Stealth Strategy To Empower To Leverage And Reward Other People To Do Happily Almost ALL The Hard Work For Your For Sold-Out Success & Rock-Star Results! No More Doing All The Heavy Lifting ... Have Other People Literally Demand That You Allow THEM To Do The Real Work FOR YOU!
  • Make MORE Money Before, During & After Each Event Regardless of Your Actual Event! - Finally... Making Money Has Never Been So Easy! Truly Understand, Leverage & Apply The Secrets Of Massive, Passive Income! It's Like Being In several Places AT ONCE, All Earning Money Making Buyers Happy All At The Same Time! - The 'Elusive' WinWIN! W-I-N! Way Of Doing Business That Makes EVERYONE Super Satisfied & RAVING Fans! (What Could Be More Perfect!?)

BECAUSE This is the very GOLD we use in our very own business success not only TODAY, but over the last 4 decades of our respective careers and in two different countries, we are ONLY opening this to a VERY Select Few Applicants Who Qualify and are willing to take Action and Do What Needs to Be Done To Create A Full-On, Zero Excuse Success Empire That Makes You All The Money You Want All While HELPING Other Get More of What THEY want, Need, Desire and Deserve By DOING What You LOVE!!


Listen... You DON'T NEED Another 'Course' or 'Book' or 'Program'! - What You NEED is REAL RESULTS In Your Business!

This is NOT About The Money For Us... THIS IS ABOUT REAL RESULTS FOR YOU! - Of Course You KNOW That You DO Need YOU To Be Committed and So There Will Be an Appropriate "Skin In The Game" Partner Assesment For The SELECT Few That Are Accepted Into This Privileged Inner Circle Transformational "Training Mentorship" Opportunity In This Free & Easy No Risk Money Success System Process!

We will PERSONALLY Take YOU By The Hand and GUIDE You To and Through Your Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing SUCCESS With Our Exclusive "Free And Easy, No Risk Money" System Process... GUARANTEED! (When You Follow The Plan & Process!) - As a matter of fact, if you don't make all your full assessment back (and Then Some MORE!) with-in your first very few success events (m-a-y-b-e three, if you are a really sloooow learner) you either aren't following the precise instruction and exacting plan or you are dead and with-out a pulse! -  It's THAT Drop-Dead Simple!

OK DEAN & CLAUDE... I'm INTERESTED in Finding Out Exactly How The "FREE and Easy MONEY System" & Program Works For ME and My Success Entertainment & Performing Business?

SUCCESS Requires Decisive  & Massive Action Now... WATCH The Opportunity Video "If" You Missed it So You KNOW Exactly What You Need To DO To Make Your Success Desition Now!

If You Want To Watch The "BIG REVEAL" Video... Watch It Here, Now!

BONUSES... Did We Say Bonuses? - Boy HOWDY!
Tens Of THOUSANDS Of Dollars Worth!

Was SOLD-OUT and Starts SOON for The First Time In More That 60 Weeks!

Looking Forward To Serving YOU and Your Success and Getting You The RESULTS That Rock!

It's NOW or Never... JOIN Your 'FREE & EASY, NO RISK MONEY Profit Protege' NOW!

Single Tuition. One Time Full Investment!
$1,997.00 One Time Founding Member
Save $250 with Single Tuition One-Pay.

Profit-Partner 'Skin In The Game' Commentemt! (Partner Pay Plan! We Pay YOU... With Real RESULTS!)
ONLY $997.00 Commitment Down... With Instalment:
$1,250  Balance of Tuition Payments Made Based On Real  RESULTS We Help You Achieve!
=> Watch Video Above Partner Balance Investment Deal!


JOEL BAUER - Best Selling Author, Speaker & Wealth Mentor Raves!

Don't Take Our Word For It... See What Others Say About Dean Hankey!

Serving YOU and Your Success,
~ Dean & Claude

Dean Hankey, Claude Haggerty 
Serving Entertainer Success With Results That Rock!